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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


Website last updated: May 2024

Nicole Ashley Stewart, 20, currently resides in Los Angeles County. Born in Las Vegas, Nevada, she was adopted and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area before moving with her family to Yorba Linda, Orange County, where she spent most of her formative years. She began her education in public school and later transitioned to independent study during high school, all while remaining deeply involved in the theatre program at Yorba Linda High School.

Nicole has studied acting in various esteemed environments, receiving numerous awards for her work. Her training includes Gary Spatz's The Playground, The Actor's Studio of Orange County, Musical Theatre Orange County, Phantom Projects, and others. Aside from performing, Nicole is a certified makeup artist, a published writer, and has experience in directing and photography.

Currently, Nicole is taking a break from the stage and screen to focus on crafting her debut poetry book, while continuing to advance her acting skills.

Social Media:

IMDB: www.imdb.me/nicoleashstewart

Instagram: @nnicoleestewart

Snapchat: nnikkiashleyy

Spotify: nikkistewart32

TikTok: @nikkiashstewart

VSCO: nnicoleestewart


Hello! I provide headshot services in Rancho Palos Verdes, and I'm also available for on-location shoots based on client preferences. I offer a range of backdrops and provide touch-up makeup during the session. Please reach out to me beforehand with any personal or specific requests, I'm eager to bring your vision to life.


$25 an hour

$35 an hour on location

Resume Highlights:

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